PC Support

Do You Need PC Help?

Is there something wrong with your computer???


RedArrow-RightDo you have a new computer that needs setup?

RedArrow-RightHas your computer slowed down?

RedArrow-RightDo you need a printer installed?

RedArrow-RightAre you having problems in connecting to the internet?

RedArrow-RightAre you experiencing problems with wireless connections?

RedArrow-RightAre you experiencing problems with email?

RedArrow-RightDo you need a router configured?

RedArrow-RightDo you need a home network setup?

RedArrow-RightDo you need media transferred to another media?

RedArrow-RightDo you need your OS upgraded (i.e., Windows XP -> Windows 7)?

 Pricing starts at $30 per hours.
(Larger jobs quoted on a per job basis.)

If you are located in the Phoenix area, I will come to your house or I will pick up and deliver depending on the problem to be resolved.  (No mileage charge when within 10 radius of Price & Southern in Tempe).

Please fill out the form below:

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